Jesus, Joanna and Children
A few years ago, our family decided to document a vision which God had planted in our hearts. That exercise has proven to be one of the boldest steps of faith we have taken in obedience to the Lord’s call for our lives. As his children, we acted towards one of the sections of our family’s vision statement, which reads: “The Hiraldo name has become associated with Biblical Foundation, Kingdom Building and [Circle Maker] Prayers”.
First, you may have noticed that the statement is written in past tense. We understood that as far as Christ was concern, the vision was already a “done deal”, even prior to our knowledge of God’s will for our lives. It also means that God’s plan for us has been in motion since the beginning of creation. We just needed to catch up to God’s timing.
In addition, this statement contains a bigger purpose than our lives can support as individuals. Not only this vision requires the focus and attention from everyone in our household, it requires pulling together resources which are beyond our current means.
First, this vision statement contains an exciting, and endless time continuum. Second, it begins with the Holy Scriptures as the foundation, provides ample opportunity for the completion of God’s work through our lives. Third, the vision leaves more than enough room to access the accomplishments that can only be achieved through prayer.
As we prayed and were seeking God’s will for our family, I (Jesus Hiraldo) was introduced to Larry Myers* while traveling towards Chiapas, Mexico to build a church. Although this was my first missionary trip, I could not imagine the impact this experience would have in my life. In summary, after surrendering my strength to building a church and being a servant for children at Casa Hogar Alegre (the ministry’s orphanage), a piece of my heart stayed in the mountains of Chenalho, a remote town in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. You can see a short video below.
After my return to the US, Joanna realized that something was different. Something during this trip had changed my view of the surrounding world. The way I was speaking and appreciating her and our children was different. As I started sharing the experiences of my recent trip, she understood that our Lord had opened doors towards the “kingdom building” ministry HE had revealed to us few months earlier. The trip’s impact on our lives was so strong that we both ended in Chiapas, Mexico again in December 2013.
The objective of this trip was to serve as temporary “parents” to the children of Casa Hogar Alegre (, an orphanage in Chiapas, Mexico. Since its establishment in 1993 by Elizabeth Castelazo Noguera, the organization has cared for beautiful and loving children who have been abused and abandoned by both their families and by society. Many of the children brought to Casa Hogar Alegre have been found living in such heart-shattering situations as the pits of the city dump or in pigpens with different animals. Some of the kids have learned that their parents are dead, other times they learn that parents have gone away and never returned.
Together with (9) other couples, Joanna and I gladly blessed these kids during the week-long trip. Among other things, we were able to assist the children while purchasing new clothing for them. We also had the opportunity to go out to eat with them. Imagine going out to eat with over 80 kids, who call you Sister Joanna and Brother Jesus while reaching out for their meal… What a blessing it was!!! The other highlight for that week was the ice cream party in which kids were able to choose the quantity, flavor and decorating ingredients for the ice cream. Although this is a privilege for kids in our blessed United States, it is a seldom luxury for children at the orphanage.
We completed the week by celebrating Christmas with all of the children and staff. Every child received a gift and learned that Jesus Christ loves them, regardless of the circumstances.
The blessings of these experiences sealed our commitment to reach out to children around the world. We pray that you partner with the Harvester Seeds Foundation team as we embark on the humbling journey to help establish a better quality of life for orphaned and abandoned children.